Do More in 30 Minutes!
The ESP technology can raise the hyo-laryngeal complex in the proper direction, as seen on the video. Combining ESP with an effortful swallow creates a more effective exercise by having the patient close the laryngeal vestibule, or airway, against an intrinsic resistance.
Research has shown that repetitive performance of this exercise leads to the following results:
- Faster airway closure times
- Improved speed, timing, and strength of a swallow
- Decreased risk for penetration and aspiration
Kinematics of ESP
ESP is the only technology that can consistently initiate the anterior and superior motion to the hyoid and larynx which will affect the motions of the following swallowing structures:
- Posterior tongue base retraction due to the tongue anchoring the hyoid during elevation
- Retroversion or a tipping back of the epiglottis due the hyoid’s attachment to the epiglottis
- Vallecular and pyriform sinus shallowing
- UES relaxation
- Eccentric contraction of the laryngeal vestibule eliciting a stretch reflex in attempt to increase more muscle firing

Research and Publications
- Summary: Clinical highlights
- Martindale et al 2020: ESSD Poster Presentation: Neuromuscular Electrical Stimulation Plus Intensive Exercise Against Resistance (Ampcare ESP) in the Treatment of Post-Stroke Dysphagia: Further Evidence for Positive Outcomes.
- Neuromuscular electrical stimulation plus rehabilitative exercise as a treatment for dysphagia in stroke and non-stroke patients in an NHS setting: Feasibility and Outcomes. Journal: Geriatrics (2019)
- Article: The effect of transcutaneous neuromuscular electrical stimulation on laryngeal vestibule closure timing in swallowing. Journal: BMC Ear, Nose and Throat (2018)
- Article: Effects of submental surface electrical stimulation on swallowing kinematics in health adults: An error-based learning paradigm. Journal: American Journal of Speech-Language Pathology (2018)
- Article: Combined electrical stimulation and exercise for swallow rehabilitation post stroke: a pilot randomised control trial.
Journal: International Journal of Language & Communication Disorders (2018) - Electroceuticals: Advances in Electrostimulation Therapies. Editor: Arshad Majid 2017; Springer International Publishing (Textbook Only)
- Phase II RCT using Ampcare’s ESP™-International Award Winning Poster- Presented at DRS in Chicago, March 2015
- Phase II RCT using Ampcare’s ESP- ESSD Poster-Brussels, Belgium 2014
- UK Swallowing Research Group-Presented in London-2014
- Ampcare’s Posture Device Validation, C. Watts (TCU)-Presented in Torino, Italy-2013
- UK Phase I – European Society for Swallowing Disorders (ESSD) – Barcelona, Spain-2012
- UK Swallowing Research Group-Presented in London-2010
- Hard to Swallow-Review Article- 2008; Presented in New Orleans (ASHA) 2009
- Deciphering Dysphagia with Ampcare’s ESP 1998
- Promoting Laryngeal Elevation with E-Stim-1998
What people say about us
2020 Overall Rating: 4.84 out of 5 stars